When Is the Best Time to Paint Your House Exterior?

Rudy Grippo • May 15, 2021

When Is The Best Time To Paint Your House Exterior?

Many homeowners might stray away from the daunting task of painting the exterior of their home as there are many factors you have to consider before you can undertake such a task. A fresh coat of paint can really change the whole look of the exterior of your home, bringing some new life back into it. Compared to other home remodeling projects, exterior painting is one that doesn’t involve prolonged construction or tons of equipment, but it does come with one big frustration: weather.


  • Moisture in the air
  • Big temperature fluctuations 
  • Cold weather 
  • Consistent rain 


It is important to be cautious when choosing the right time to paint the exterior of your home. It can be worthwhile to wait until the weather is consistently warm, which for states like New York, doesn’t usually happen until June. 

Spring can have warm days but are typically followed by very cold night time temperatures. Painting during the unpredictable spring weather can risk poor paint application. This is why holding off until the summer months can produce the best results.

Spring months may also bring long stretches of rainy days. Waiting until the weather dries out is important in order to give your home’s siding a chance to dry out after months of winter snow and spring rain. Experienced contractors, like our team, will be cautious in checking when wet weather may be on the horizon and be able to find the perfect time for the exterior of your home to be painted.


Some homeowners may not be able to control when they until the summer to paint their home exterior, opting for the late spring or early fall months to do so. Many painters don’t mind stretching the painting season to be as long as possible, but also keep in mind that painting during consistent weather temperature is the most important factor. Weather conditions can change from year to year depending on the area you are located in. The trickiest part of exterior painting is choosing a day to paint, because as we know, weather can be very unpredictable at any time.  Not only would you have to look at the day your paint job is scheduled for, but it is also super important to take note of the few days before and after your home is painted as well. Our expert team will be able to help you evaluate the weather forecast in your area in order to determine the best frame to paint your home. 


As mentioned, early summer can be the ideal time to get your exterior paint job done. But while the summer can bring us more reliable, drier heat, it can also come with extreme heat too. If the weather is too hot, paint could dry too quickly and leave you with brush marks or streaks in the paint. We know weather is an element that can also be unpredictable, which is why we take the time to research the weather trends and the time frame that we think will be best suitable for painting your home.


The brand of paint you choose can also play a factor in how well your paint dries during the painting of your exterior. All brands and types of paint vary in how they finish once they are dry, which is why consulting a professional painting company is the best way to ensure that you are purchasing the correct paint for your home exterior. While this all may seem overwhelming, most times it is pretty easy to find a time frame where the weather will cooperate. 

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